Alumni Association

Fellow's Experiences

Professor David Jayne (University of Leeds)

01 May 2024


JSPS - Royal Society Bilateral Project Scheme 

Project Title: “Co-production of a microfluidic device incorporating cancer tissue-originated spheroids for persionalised chemotherapy"

Japan Based Scientific Lead: Professor Masahiro Inoue, Department of Clinical Bio-resource Research and Development, Kyoto University

UK Counterpart: Professor David Jayne, Leeds Institute of Medical Research, University of Leeds


Project Duration: April 2021 to 2023 (extended due to the COVID pandemic)

Professor Alexander Shluger (University College London)

27 November 2023


JSPS Core to Core Programme

Project Title: “Defect Functionalised Sustainable Energy Materials: Design to Devices Application"

Japan Based Scientific Lead: Professor Hideo Hosono, Materials Research Centre for Element Strategy, Tokyo Institute of Technology

UK Counterpart: Professor Alexander Shluger, Department of Physics and Astronomy and London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London 


Project Duration: April 2018 to September 2023

Professor Simon Peeters (University of Sussex)

02 August 2023


JSPS Short Term Invitational Fellowship

Host Institution: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) 


August to September 2022

Professor Liliana Janik (University of Cambridge)

19 July 2023


JSPS Short Term Invitational Fellowship 

Host Institution: Research Institute for the Dynamics of Civilisation, Okayama University


July to September 2022

Professor Christopher Jarrold (University of Bristol)


JSPS - UKRI Joint Research Project

Project Title: “Acquisition and development of strategic skill knowledge for executive function in adults and children."

Japan Based Scientific Lead: Professor Satoru Saito, Division of Cognitive Psychology in Education, Kyoto University

UK Counterpart: Professor Christopher Jarrold, School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol


Project Duration: April 2021 to 2023

Professor Paul Attfield (University of Edinburgh)

07 July 2023


JSPS Core to Core Programme

Project Title: “Solid-state chemistry for transition-metal oxides: Exploring for new materials with novel functionalities"

Japan Based Scientific Lead: Professor Yuichi Shimakawa, Department of Chemistry, Kyoto University 

UK Counterpart: Professor Paul Attfield, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh


Project Duration: April 2016 to 2023

Professor Graham Anderson (University of Birmingham)

05 July 2023


JSPS Joint Research Project

Project Title: “Development and function of medullary thymic microenvironment."

Japan Based Scientific Lead: Professor Izumi Ohigashi, Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tokushima University

UK Counterpart: Professor Graham Anderson, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham 


Project Duration: April 2021 to 2023

Dr Lucian Leustean (Aston University)

28 June 2023


JSPS Short Term Invitational Fellowship

Host Institution: Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo


May to June 2023

Dr Jessica Bone (University College London)


JSPS Short Term Pre/Postdoctoral Fellowship

Host Institution: Department of Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG)


March to May 2023

Dr Matteo Fabbretti

10 February 2021


JSPS Standard Postdoctoral Fellowship

Host Institution: Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University


September 2018 to 2020