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Professor Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex)

13 April 2012


Joint Research Project

Project title: Advancing the Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation: Alternative Perspectives from the UK and Japan

Japanese Lead Scientist: Professor Atsushi Tago, Department of Government, Kobe University

UK Counterpart: Professor Kristian Skrede Gleditsch,Department of Government, University of Essex

Workshops held September 2011 and March 2012


ESRC/JSPS funding for collaborative workshop on “Advancing the Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation: Alternative Perspectives from the UK and Japan"


Based on shared research interest on domestic politics and international military collaboration and commitment, Gleditsch of the University of Essex and Tago of Kobe University submitted a bid for the ESRC-JSPS call for collaborative research workshops in September 2010.


Our proposal highlighted the increasing prominence in the study of conflict and cooperation of scientific approaches, emphasizing systematic theory and rigorous empirical testing. However, we noted a series of problems arising from the US dominance in existing research, and how excessive attention to US institutions and foreign policy undermines our ability to understand variation in the constraints and incentives for multilateral cooperation and the implications of differences in domestic institutions for international behavior. The UK and Japan provide interesting comparison cases, with very different institutions, capabilities, and constrains for international behavior.


The ESRC-JSPS funding (£14,435 from the ESRC plus approx. £15,000 from JSPS) has helped bring together UK and Japanese researchers for two research workshops, 20-23 September 2011 in Kobe, Japan and 20-22 March 2012 in Colchester, UK. The workshops were very helpful for the participants in developing their research, and have helped foster a number of collaborative projects between UK and Japanese researchers, including joint papers presented at scientific conferences, new data on military bases, a replication of a UK survey experiment on attitudes to intervention in Japan, and various funding applications in progress.




Kobe workshop:


Essex workshop:


Essex news item on workshop: 

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