23 March 2016
Closing date: Thursday 5th May 2016
Visit Period: Between August 2016 to the end of February 2017
The purpose of this scheme is to provide financial support to researchers who are members of the JSPS London network for Japanese Researchers Based in the UK (JBUK) and have PI status at a university or research institute in the UK. Such researchers should be in a position to develop long-lasting collaborations between the UK and Japan and should also use this award money to establish and expand their links with the academic community in Japan. We ask that successful candidates take up this award between August 2016 to the end of February 2017. (Please consult with JSPS London if you wish to visit Japan in March 2017).
Under this scheme, international transportation costs and a maintenance allowance for one collaborative research trip from the UK to one or several Japanese host institutions will be provided. The maximum amount reimbursed to each successful applicant will be £2,000 according to the provisions explained below:
Award Guidelines
1.) Allocation of Funding
(a.) International Airfare
An economy class, discounted, round trip air ticket will be reimbursed for the most economical route for airports between the UK and Japan.
*Domestic transportation costs accrued in the UK and Japan will not be provided in addition.
(b.) Maintenance Allowance for Length of Stay in Japan
A daily allowance of £75 to cover subsistence and accommodation for the approved length of stay in Japan will be provided.
*Successful candidates must make sure to arrange and pay for their own overseas accident and travel insurance.*
2.) Application Assessment Criteria
3.) Eligibility
Only registered members of JBUK who have a PI position at a university or research institute in the UK (e.g. Professor, Reader, Lecturer, Group Leader, and established Research Fellow which is equivalent to the position of Professor or Lecturer) are eligible to apply for this scheme. Research Associates equivalent to the grade of Postdoctoral Researcher are not eligible to apply.
4.) Funding Availability
Funding can only be used for the direct benefit of an eligible JBUK researcher and not for the benefit of the Japanese counterpart (i.e. this award money cannot be used for travel expenses or accommodation expenses for a Japanese host).
To confirm that your intended use of funding and job position makes you eligible to apply for this award, please e-mail Ms. Polly Watson at JSPS London to discuss: polly@jsps.org or telephone 020 7255 4660.
*Up to 2 awards are expected to be made as a result of this call. Results are expected to be announced in early June 2016 after peer review has been conducted.
Please note, due to JSPS London's fiscal budgetary policy, we request that all receipts and supporting documents are returned to our office by Monday 6th March, 2017. We need to receive these on time in order to be able to reimburse all costs.
5.) Application Procedure
To apply for the scheme, please download and complete the application form available from here:
Please note that the reviewers will be UK-based researchers and might not all be Japanese nationals. Therefore, please write the application form in English and provide the correspondence with the Japanese host researcher(s) also in English.
Please do not exceed the space provided in any section and do not use a font size below 11. Any additional information given will not be considered.
Completed applications and scanned, supporting documents should be sent by e mail to Ms. Polly Watson at: polly@jsps.org
6.) Closing Date for Applications
The closing date for applications is Thursday 5th May 2016. Applications submitted any later will not be considered.
7.) Responsibilities of the Awardees
The awardees must mention that the research was supported by the JSPS London JBUK Japan Award when related research outputs are either published or presented.
The JSPS logo and JBUK logo must appear on materials related to the research visit (e.g. on a seminar programme or flyer).
The awardees are requested to write an easy-to-read essay in the JSPS London Newsletter about the outcomes of the research visit as well as a future plan of collaboration that has emerged.