This scheme is based on an agreement with The Royal Society. JSPS will cover the costs of the Japan team, and The Royal Society will cover the costs of the UK team.
- It is intended that JSPS and The Royal Society will fund the same joint research projects.
- The counterpart UK team leader is to submit an application to The Royal Society. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted. Japan and UK team leaders should therefore be sure that their counterpart submits a matching application.
*Please note under this scheme only joint research projects are supported and not Seminars.
Eligible Research Fields: Natural Sciences
Duration of Project: 2 years
Maximum number of Projects to be supported: 5
Level of funding:
JSPS: Up to 2,000,000 JPY per fiscal year (Up to 4,000,000 JPY in total). This amount is to be used for international and domestic travel expenses, including subsistence, of all Japan based team members and should account for 50% or more of the grant. This grant can also be used for consumables, honoraria, material printing, communication, service charges and meeting expenses in Japan.
Royal Society: Up to 12,000 GBP in total. Travel can be conducted by all project participants.
Starting date: 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 for the Japan side and no later than 10 March 2025 for the UK side.
Application Period:
JSPS: 17:00 JST, Tuesday 3 September 2024
Applications should be sent centrally by the team leader’s research institution in Japan to JSPS Tokyo. JSPS Tokyo does not accept applications from individual researchers and please note that the applicant's affiliated institution may set an earlier, internal deadline to collect and check the format of these applications before forwarding to JSPS Tokyo. Under no circumstances will JSPS Tokyo accept a late application.
Royal Society: 15:00 BST, Thursday 26 September 2024
For more information about how to apply to JSPS, please go to the following web link:
For more information about how to apply to the Royal Society, please go to the following web link:
And for any enquires to the Royal Society please e mail: