Funding Opportunities

Latest Calls Archive May 2024

JSPS - UKRI joint call in Advanced Materials


UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  provide funding for high-quality collaborative research projects between UK and Japanese researchers which contribute to advancing impacts for the benefit of both countries. UKRI and JSPS are keen to support collaboration between leading researchers and teams in areas of mutual strength through sharing resources including research facilities.

Call for FY2024

Number of projects to be selected Up to 15
Duration of Project and Start Date

3 years to start from 1st January 2025

Research fields covered
  • Collaborative research proposals in the area of advanced materials. The focus should be on the physical science or engineering of materials to deliver beneficial and enhanced properties. Their incorporation into devices or use in applications can be addressed but should not form the bulk of the work proposed.
 Application Deadline

Wednesday, 4 p.m., 31 July, 2024 (UK Time)

 Application Procedure

The group leaders on both the Japanese and UK sides must submit a single joint application to the UKRI's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The EPSRC will take the lead in processing applications for this call and provide funding for the UK groups.

UK applicants are expected to provide a detailed breakdown of costs for the UK team only as part of the main application, to be funded by the EPSRC. 

The Japan based team leader should submit a separate financial form in English detailing all Japan based project work to be funded by JSPS. This form should be forwarded to the UK team leader to submit with the rest of their application documents to the EPSRC.

The Japan based team leader is also required to register their basic details for this application via the JSPS online application system.

Total Amount of 
Project Funding

Project funding from JSPS:

Up to JPY 10,000,000 per fiscal year per project (Up to JPY 30,000,000 for entire project period) to cover the costs of the Japan based project work.

Project funding from the EPSRC:

The Full Economic Cost (FEC) of the UK project work can be up to £375,000. EPSRC will fund 80% of the FEC (up to £300,000). 

Coverage of 
Project Funding

All research expenses can be covered including but not limited to the cost of consumables, domestic and international travel expenses and salary of early career researchers etc. 

JSPS Application Guidelines (English) (Japanese)